1. PERMITTED USE Booking fees provide an entitlement and right for the Client to use the images via a single published medium (unless otherwise agreed in the Booking Confirmation) from the date of the booking, in the territory and for the duration and purposes specified in the Booking Confirmation (Permitted Use). The rights granted in this section are strictly subject to prompt payment in full of all fees owed to Meka Models prior to the image’s first use. No right to reprint or make any other use other than the Permitted Use is granted to the Client unless approved by Meka Models.

2. BOOKING FEES a) Working hours and Overtime: fees are charged by the day. A ‘day’ is an 8-hour period (Excluding one hour for lunch). Overtime is charged at 15% the daily rate for every hour of overtime; b) Travel: the client is responsible for covering all travel and accommodation expenses, unless agreed otherwise in writing; c) Fittings: any time spent by the talent for fittings surpassing 1 hour (talent in the building) is charged at €100/h. Specific written negotiations must be carried out with Meka Models if the call time exceeds 3 hours before the work; d) Additional expense: All expenses incurred by Meka Models on the Clients’ behalf will be charged to the Client and will include an uplift of 10% of the total amount of the expenses.

3. INVOICING Both agency fees and model fees will be invoiced by the Agency. Invoices are payable by the Client within 30 days of the date of the invoice unless otherwise agreed in writing. No usage for the talent’s image is permitted until the Agency has received payment in full.

4. LOCATION BOOKINGS When a location booking is made, a client must provide safe and appropriate transport for the talent both to the booking location and back again unless agreed otherwise. If the client fails to provide such transport then the Agency shall be entitled to re-charge the cost of the transport procured for the talent in accordance with the section 3 - d). 

5. MEALS Clients are responsible for the provision of all nutritious meals and beverage requirements of all talent (taking into account dietary requirements) whilst the talent is providing services to the client on all bookings.

6. TALENT CARE AND SAFETY a) Nude, semi-nude, see-through, bathing suit or lingerie photography require the express prior written approval of the agency. The use of the talent’s image must not be directly or indirectly scandalous, pornographic, derogatory, or a cause of ridicule or embarrassment to the talent;b) The client shall be solely responsible for ensuring the talent is treated with respect and professionalism, and that all necessary steps are taken to ensure the safety, health and well being of the talent is protected, at all times by the client and/or any third parties engaged by the client in relation to the delivery of the services; c) Ensuring that the venue for the provision of the services and the working conditions are entirely safe and secure and maintained at a suitable temperature and allow the talent to provide the services in compliance with all health and safety best practice, standards, regulations, codes and laws; d) Allowing the talent to take suitable and regular rest periods, to ensure the talent is able to maintain suitable amounts of rest and refreshment whilst delivering the services; e) Ensuring that all of the third parties engaged by the client in relation to the delivery of the services are suitably qualified, experienced and professional and treat the talent in a professional and respectful manner; f) Ensuring that no one imposes upon the talent any action, activity or environment which is either dangerous, degrading, unprofessional, unsafe and/or demeaning to the talent; g) Providing the talent with an appropriate changing and dressing area to ensure that the talent can prepare for the provision of the services and also maintains his/her/their privacy; h) Always include a credit in the form of “Model’s name” @ “Meka Models”, wherever a credit is applied.

7. FASHION SHOWS Catwalk bookings provide the client with the right to make use of the talent’s services on the catwalk for the specified show in accordance the Agreement, and the right to allow photographers to be present to take photographs and videos of the show on the basis that all such material (or reproductions etc.) is exploited for reporting purposes only. The client is responsible for ensuring that all photographers present are aware of and
comply with this condition and the client will procure that they abide by these conditions. 

8. EDITORIALS Strict condition for editorials is to receive in exchange physical tear sheets (or high resolution pdf).

9. TEST AND EXPERIMENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY When the Agency agrees to allow a photographer to take test or experimental photography the photographer is not entitled to use, or allow others to use, any resulting material for commercial purposes unless specific arrangements have been made and agreed in writing before the photographic session. An appropriate and realistic brief must be submitted to the agency prior to confirmation. 

10. EXCLUSIVITY FEES Unless otherwise agreed in the booking confirmation e-mail the talent is supplied to the client by the Agency on a non-exclusive basis and the talent shall be free to provide similar and/or competing services to any third party and/or competing product or brand of the client. An additional fee will need to be agreed when the use of the talent’s image or the service to be supplied by the talent in relation to a product is required on an exclusive or semi-exclusive (for example sector specific or territorial exclusivity) basis.

11. CANCELLATION Within 24 hours of the booking call time the full booking fee will be charged and payable by the client unless the same model is booked within 24 hours of the cancellation. Outside 24 hours of the booking call time but within 48 hours of the booking call time of the booking date then half the booking fee will be charged and payable by the client. Should the Agency want to cancel a booking then it shall use reasonable endeavours to provide the client with reasonable notice, take steps to offer to the client a suitable replacement and/or substitute and take such other reasonable steps as are reasonably practicable to mitigate against such cancellation.

12. WEATHER CANCELLATION On the first occasion of cancellation no booking fee is charged to the client unless the client fails to cancel in time to prevent the model's attendance in which case the full booking fee is charged and payable by the client. On the occasion of the second cancellation and any subsequent cancellations the full booking fee is charged and payable by the client.

13. FORCE MAJEURE The Agency’s shall not be liable to the client for any delay in performing or failure to perform any of its obligations under these terms and conditions which is due to any cause beyond its control and which is unknown to, and cannot reasonably be anticipated by the Agency including without limitation fire, flood or catastrophe, acts of God, insurrection, workforce action, war or riots, (an "Event of Force Majeure") and the Agency’s obligations under these terms and conditions shall be suspended for so long as the Event of Force Majeure continues and to the extent that it is so delayed.

14. WARRANTIES The client warrants and represents to the Agency that:a) it has full capacity to enter into these terms and conditions and perform its obligations under these terms and conditions; b) the booking is executed by a duly authorised representative of the client; c) it will take all steps necessary to ensure that the model is protected and treated in accordance with all applicable laws and good industry practice. d) it has all necessary permits, licences and consents to enter into and to perform its obligations under these terms and conditions and such obligations shall be performed in compliance with all applicable laws, enactments, orders, regulations, and other similar instruments; and e) it will promptly disclose to the Agency in writing all necessary information (including without limitation the location and length of the shoot and requirements for any foreign travel) and details relating to the provision of the services to enable the Agency to ensure that the model is suitably prepared and able to perform the services.

15. CONTRACT AND AUTHORITY All matters relating to the use of the model's image, any other services supplied by the model and all fees must be negotiated and agreed only with the Agency. The client shall not attempt to negotiate, nor allow others to negotiate, with the models directly. If the client or the photographer or any other person on their behalf or connected with them obtains the model's signature on any document or the model's purported verbal agreement to anything, that is not binding on the model or the Agency unless and until it is agreed in writing by the Agency (such agreement to be determined in the Agency’s absolute discretion).

16. COMPLAINTS AND DISCLAIMER Any cause for complaint must be reported to the Agency by the client as soon as it arises. Complaints cannot be considered and/or dealt with effectively after the services have been delivered.